Friday, February 28, 2014

Sebentar lagi semua tidak sama

Waktu berjalan menjadi lambat disini
aku seperti menunggu orang membuka pintu diantara pembuat pintu. 
Aku bisa melihat napasku berjalan dengan napasku 
menghirup udara segar di halaman depan

Waktu memang begitu lambat disini 
Tapi, sebentar lagi aku tidak disini

Saat waktu menandakan pagi
semua terlihat sama
matahari yang sama
tanah yang sama
pohon yang sama
semua benar-benar terlihat sama

Tapi, sebentar lagi semua tidak sama lagi

Saturday, February 8, 2014

the night before

Footpaths into a real

Second chance I hope there still, possible later

Today that yesterday will happen again

hold my hand into the hand

Real i've been destroyed

and it's real that it has gone

There is no more hope

Cause I see you with him

I don't know

should laugh or cry

I couldn't be mad

Something that i've said the night before

Sunday, February 2, 2014

move move

moving, moving well. might say that's what I read and I have to do now and for the future. I've been too long since stopped without moving. probably seen me walking, running, forward, backward, but overall it's just my physical alone. But the heart and mind not doing the same thing as my physical. I was too much dreaming and dreaming. it all makes me tired, very tired. vehicles, people, they followed the passing of time. from morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and I could only watch. I like beaten by them. they are not physical contact with me, but their reactions made ​​me feel more like fall, getting sick. Gravity of the earth did not I feel the earth spinning was also not able to make to move. let's motion, motion, not only physical but also hearts and minds.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm Sorry and I hope

less than a month away, I was 20 years old. praise be to Allah, for 19 years this always gives me health. thanks to my parents , papa , mama is always patient understands me. I'm sorry ma, if this time I always made ​​mom angry, as long as it is also possible I 've often lie to mama, but mama always good to me. when mama angry , in fact he shows his love for a child. Thanks also to Dad, who was always patient and make a living for the family, thank you for the love you've given so far. Sorry, if I was always a hassle, sorry can not repay you, sorry can not be dutiful to your child, as the child apologize first that should be relied upon but instead often irritated, sorry, sorry. I'm so ashamed of myself, want to live when I had to rely to you?  I still have two younger brothers who also later need more material. I promised myself, hopefully soon I can lighten your load, make proud papa and mama.
