Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm Sorry and I hope

less than a month away, I was 20 years old. praise be to Allah, for 19 years this always gives me health. thanks to my parents , papa , mama is always patient understands me. I'm sorry ma, if this time I always made ​​mom angry, as long as it is also possible I 've often lie to mama, but mama always good to me. when mama angry , in fact he shows his love for a child. Thanks also to Dad, who was always patient and make a living for the family, thank you for the love you've given so far. Sorry, if I was always a hassle, sorry can not repay you, sorry can not be dutiful to your child, as the child apologize first that should be relied upon but instead often irritated, sorry, sorry. I'm so ashamed of myself, want to live when I had to rely to you?  I still have two younger brothers who also later need more material. I promised myself, hopefully soon I can lighten your load, make proud papa and mama.


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