Sunday, November 17, 2013

conversation corner

My eyes looked at her and she looked at me
There was no drowsiness, whereas before I stayed up late into the night
I feel very so good
and i forget to drink coffee before activity

she hold my hand and ask me to the lunch
but the afternoon was a sudden heavy rainfall
i'm waiting for the rain to stop, and she at the corner
we talking about the rain

I said to myself,
that i can get to you
I want to hug you now
can I doing that of you

sound of the rain slowly end the conversation with her
I felt upset, why did the rain stop?
I still want to water down the sky
as complement conversation between me and her .

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You forget

Recalled this time, the days when I was with you. You are first come together to bring the seed of love that would've implanted into my heart. It did not take long to make a seed that you put in for developing. We are under the love of the hundreds of millions of trees that you planted the seed first, we passed the days together. Until one day, you forget to water the tree, and then wither and die.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Actually, I was expecting you.

And all was over, he chose to split the liver though not willingly. Perhaps this is best for him, because he also not necessarily be happy with my life. I tried to hold my ambitions, restrain my emotions, trying not to hate you, and wish you happy even without me. It was too short, where we were met and given permission to be together in a short time. Even so, I was still with you, because every day we'll be together in different circumstances and situations. I will keep all the memories in my heart, mind, and my soul when with you. Then I will remember for the rest of my life with no one else knows.

well, we are now in a different state, I am still myself enjoy my life and you have to get me a replacement, I hope he much better than me. But, from the depths of the deepest I still expect you to be my life partner who accompanied me and fill my old times with the romantic.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hopefully it's true.

If all I wanted has come true, I hope you're right there beside me holding my hand, and we could see all of these beautiful. I will take you anywhere you want. when I take you away, I hope you do not let go of my hand, I will hug you tightly and you know what I'm feeling at the moment, happy, happy and happy. And if I crying, you will also know I cry tears of joy to be with you. I dreamed all that, hopefully it's true.


Banyak hal yang bisa lo semua pelajari dalam berpacaran, tapi ngomong-ngomong pacaran itu apa sih? apa pacaran itu kemana-mana bareng, apa pacaran itu barengnya cuma malam minggu doang, apa pacaran itu ga harus bareng tapi saling mencinta, cieee.. Atau, kalau orang jaman sekarang bilang, pacaran itu saling mencintai, saling mengasihi, saling pengertian, saling memahami satu sama lain pokoknya bahagia deh, walau kadang dalam pacaran itu ada perdebatan didalamnya.

Menurut gue pengertian diatas bener semua, tapi sebenernya apa sih untung dan ruginya berpacaran? Sebelum ngomongin untung rugi berpacaran, asal kalian semua tahu pacaran itu gampang-gampang susah. Karena, dengan proses hidup lo yang sendiri atau kata orang jomblo aja terkadang udah ribet apalagi punya pacar. Contoh kecil aja, saat lo udah bisa ngertiin pacar lo tapi di lain sisi pacar lo susah buat ngertiin lo, atau malah kadang sebaliknya. Di saat seperti itu, lo pasti mikir gimana caranya bisa ngertiin pacar lo. Lo kadang kebayang ga sih, kalo itu semua berjalan setiap hari ujung-ujungnya lo bakalan bisa putus sama pacar lo, bener ga? hehe. Tapi yang sabar aja, saat lo putus dunia ini juga ga akan ikutan berakhir kok, lo masih bisa ngelanjutin hidup lo kan, santai ajalah. Dalam berpacaran hal yang paling lucu adalah saat PDKT, dimana pada saat itu lo berjuang gimana caranya cewek yang lo deketin bisa jadi pacar lo dan berharap dia mempunyai perasaan yang sama ke lo. Pada saat itu gue yakin, 70 % hidup lo pasti lo korbanin untuk mewujudkan semua itu, ehehe. Hal pertama yang lo lakuin saat PDKT pasti biasalah lo spik spik dia, bisa lewat sms, watsap, atau telp (itu untuk yang udah kenal). Kalau yang belum kenal, biasanya sih lo ngebet banget cari tau namanya, nomor handphonenya, kontak bbmnya (untuk yang belum kenal) dan kalau udah dapet spik-spik mulai digunakan.
Terus habis itu, kalau udah spik-spik gitu, pasti ngajakin jalan bareng, nontonlah, dinner barenglah, atau ga ngajak ke tempat yang romantis, misal taman. Setelah ngajakin jalan bareng, biasanya si cowok nanyain si cewek kayak gini, "Terimakasih ya udah mau jalan sama aku, kamu seneng ga? maaf ya kalau kamu ga seneng, lain waktu jalan bareng lagi bisa kali". (yang kayak gitu basi banget men) hehe, dan ada juga yang pura-pura ga nanyain, terus 3 hari ga ngehubungin. Terus, kalau misalnya ketemu, si cowok caper sampai salting gitu deh. hahaha

*ngantuk, lanjut kalau sempet*

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mona, I miss you!!!

Pernah ga lo ngerasain lo ditinggalin pacar lo untuk selama-lamanya? bukan karena diputusin, bukan karena dia selingkuh, bukan juga karena dia pindah ke luar negeri atau ke luar kota. Tapi, karena dia udah dipanggil sama Tuhan. Pasti rasanya sedih banget kan? dan lo pasti ngerasa ga percaya kenapa secepat itu. Lo pasti ngerasa jatuh banget, karena orang yang lo sayangi tiba-tiba ninggalin lo. Itu takdir men, itu realita, semua orang ga akan tau sama yang namanya takdir, dan setelah itu apa yang lo lakuin? Nyari yang lain? susah, karena lo ngerasa cuma dia satu-satunya orang selain orangtua lo yang bisa ngertiin lo.
Permasalahan di atas pernah gue alami. Betapa sedihnya gue waktu itu ketika dia ninggalin gue, betapa jatuhnya gue waktu itu ketika orang yang gue sayangin pergi ninggalin gue untuk selama-lamanya. Gue ga bisa berbuat apa-apa disitu. Gue cuma bisa sedih, nangis, menyesal, semua rasa ga enak campur aduk di hidup gue. Dia ninggalin gue karena dia punya penyakit dalam yang ga bisa disembuhin, ya dia punya penyakit tumor otak. Sebelum jadian sama dia, gue udah tau kalo dia mengidap penyakit itu. Tapi, gue yakin dia bakal bisa disembuhin, karena gue beranggapan ga ada sesuatu yang ga mungkin di dunia  ini. Dan setelah itu, gue ngedeketin dia, namanya Mona. Kejadian ini terjadi setahun yang lalu saat gue berusia 18 tahun dan dia 18 tahun juga. Mona sangat berarti dalam hidup gue, dia berpengaruh besar dalam hidup gue.Setelah PDKT selama 2 minggu, akhirnya gue jadian sama dia. Karena sebelumnya gue udah kenal sama dia, jadi ga perlu waktu lama buat PDKT. Kita berdua saling menyanyangi, saling mengerti, hari-hari gue berasa indah setiap sama dia.  Dua bulan kita jalan bareng, seneng seneng bareng, ga enak ga enak bareng, pokoknya bahagia deh. Tiba-tiba penyakit Mona kumat, dan waktu itu dia tiba-tiba pingsan saat gue lagi jalan sama dia. Gue langsung bawa dia ke rumah sakit, hidungnya keluar darah, mukanya pucet, badannya dingin. Padahal sebelumnya, gue udah bilang ke dia, "Sayang, malam minggu ini kita ga jalan dulu, kata dokter kamu harus banyak istirahat", tapi dia tetep nekad, gue juga ga tau kenapa dia ngotot banget pengen keluar, padahal hari kamis dia habis dari dokter, dan dia disuruh banyak istirahat. Karena dia ngotot banget waktu itu, dan gue juga ga mau bikin dia sedih, akhirnya gue mutusin untuk ngajakin dia jalan. Motor gue keluarin, gue langsung ke rumahnya, pas di tengah perjalanan ban motor gue pecah, dan terpaksa ganti ban. Dari situ gue udah punya firasat ga enak, perasaan kemarin baru servis sama ganti ban, kok bannya bisa pecah gitu ya? Tapi, gue coba untuk berpikiran positif, setelah motor udah beres gue langsung ke rumah Mona. Sesampainya di rumahnya, gue liat muka Mona pucet banget waktu itu, terus gue bilang ke dia, "sayang, muka kamu pucet kamu beneran gapapa? terus dia jawab "iya gapapa ko sayang, kamu tenang aja" pas waktu mau jalan, mama Mona juga nitip pesen ke gue, "Dan, nanti Mona diingetin suruh minum obat ya?" iya tante. Di jalan gue ngerasa aneh, Mona ga kayak biasanya, ga biasanya Mona sesemangat ini, dan mukanya semakin pucet.
saat udah sampai di tempat makan favorit kita, gue masih liat Mona seneng banget waktu itu, dia kelihatan semangat, tapi wajahnya semakin pucat. Selesai makan, gue bilang ke dia, "Sayang, obatnya diminum dulu ya, muka kamu semakin pucet itu". Mona cuman bilang iya, tanpa ngambil obat dari tasnya. Kita ngobrol panjang lebar, dari ngomongin masa kecil, ngomongin keluarga, ngomongin mantan masing-masinglah, kita obrolin semua disitu. Gue ingetin dia lagi, "sayang obatnya buruan diminum". Gue liat Mona semakin pucat, dan tiba-tiba suaranya pelan, sambil jawab, "iya sayang".. Tangannya mulai megangin keningya, "kamu kenapa sayang? Obatnya buruan diminum''. Gue langsung ambil tasnya, ternyata Mona ga bawa obat. Bagaimana ini? Muka Mona semakin pucat, hidungnya tiba-tiba ngeluarin darah, dan dia pingsan disitu. Gue panik banget waktu itu, langsung gue bawa dia ke rumah sakit.
Setelah 3 jam, akhirnya dia terbangun dan sadar. Mona bilang ke gue "Wildan, i love you so much, aku menyanyangimu sepenuh hati hingga aku dipanggil nanti"
Sayang, kamu ga boleh ngomong gitu? kita nanti akan menikah, kita akan punya anak buah dari cinta kita. Mona hanya tersenyum dan menutup mata untuk yang terakhir kalinya. Di ruang itu, gue, keluarga gue, keluarga Mona semua menangis. Mona adalah anak satu-satunya, dan dia masa depan Papa dan Mamanya. Gue langsung keluar ninggalin ruang itu, gue ga kuat, gue ngerasa bersalah banget, kenapa gue mengiyakan buat jalan sama dia. Setiap hari gue dihinggapi rasa bersalah. Sekarang yang bisa gue lakuin gimana caranya bisa bales semua ini ke Papa, Mamanya Mona.

Gue harus bisa!
"Mona, I miss you, whereever you are i hope you slept well tonight". Gue kangen sama lo Mon, coba lo sekarang masih disini, gue bakal bawa kemanapun lo mau. Setelah 2 bulan kita jalan bareng, seneng seneng bareng, ga enak ga enak bareng, pokoknya bahagia deh.

Mona, I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jangan batasi saya, please..

tired through the day until the coming of the dark, always like that every day. those closest to consider it in vain. why not to learn it, would have been more meaningful. they do not know what I was doing out there, maybe they think that it is laborious and inefficient. When in fact, I was out there too learn, but I learned how to do different. do not have to read a thick book, to find the data on the internet, doing research, or something? I did learn out there is to understand the character of a person, I learn from the environment, social conditions, and the things I think is important in my opinion. I learned from it all, they are my knowledge, it is my object. and I ask the people closest to me, do not need to interfere. if you not like, silent. not talking about the things that you actually not know.

adios, wildan

Thursday, July 4, 2013

miss old friend

Do not know why lately every going to bed always remembered the people who used to be very close to me, and I always remember that my parents before bed. They are all very significant in my life, in difficult circumstances, happy or depressed, my parents are always there behind me, providing motivation, support, encouragement, and I always pray with sincerity. To my old friends, they are my family consider to be outside the house which also always give injections remarkable spirit, they are great!
Now I really miss old friends, they are now a bit far away from my life now, it's all because of us me and my friends already have their own activities. Sometimes my longing for them all a little relieved even though it's only a short-term togethers I think quite a long time.
I need them, I want to make a big project with them!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

i hope

story continues to this day, we have each other's lives, their own business, but we still respect each other. I have found "nnd" in my life, I hope I can provide comfort for her, she's so beautiful, she is able to make me turn away from you, he's like the rain that could wipe out all the words and deeds
I will love him, love him, love him, and I'll make you regret it!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Gue bales lo ntar

Pokoknya gue ga boleh mati semangatnya, gue mesti sabar ngadepin semua ini. Gue harus bisa jadi orang yang bisa diandalin baik untuk keluarga, temen-temen, bahkan jodoh gue ntar.
oke dan semangat ya! kamu bisa! Biarin dia nikmatin masa-masanya dia dulu, emang ga bisa terang secara bersamaan, dan lo sekarang lagi gelap terang, lo yang sabar aja udah :D

Friday, May 17, 2013


The night was so cold, you're out of the house. You must be cold out there, without a jacket and a warm blanket you used to wear. Perhaps, the night before I gave you a jacket or at least I give my body and hug you so that you feel a little warm. Yes, I remember well the time before watching the Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan, it was raining so hard, we take shelter under a small temple, I protect you from heavy rain, whatever I do to make you not cold that night. I give you my jacket, gave my shirt to cover and protect you from the rain, do not forget I light a match to give warmth, then I give you a hug, it was very memorable for me, I like it, like you and I love that place.

I promise, one day I'll bring you back there. we will perform the wedding ceremony there.

miss as

Saturday, May 4, 2013

My dream for you

Now I want to be quiet first, trying to calm my mind, and tried to prepare the future for me and for you of course
I commented a lot worse, I was nothing more than a scoundrel. No problem, it was a motivation for me to do better in the future.
I do not know on what basis they say that to me.

well ...... yes please forget. I do not want to think it's not important. I have more to think about than that, my future, organize myself better, and what is it?? '' My future with you "
I expect you to be the mother of my children, to be my wife.

5 Mei setahun yang lalu #as

Walaupun putus, gue akui, banyak kenangan yang berkesan yang gak mau gue lupain, makasih ya buat semuanya.. sebagai rasa terimakasih gue, gimanapun keadaannya, enak ga enak, kapanpun, pokonya makasih deh. Ya pokonya gak mau lupa, karena pisahnya juga baik-baik dan gak saling menjatuhkan, kita tetep bisa berhubungan baik.Walaupun sempet kepikiran untuk bareng selamanya, tapi akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk bahagia sendiri-sendiri, karena masih banyak yang kita mau cari dan tidak melibatkan satu sama lain.Waktu gue ke Jogja kemarin, gue inget banget tempat terakhir kita bareng. Ternyata emang lebih menyenangkan waktu berdua, tapi gue tetep memilih untuk bahagia, walaupun udah gak bareng lagi. cigiiituuuuuuu

wildan ^ ^ 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Then us.. as?

Do not blame each other
we're both out
we're both understand
what is love and affection

I think their view is wrong
Another point of view you are wrong
but I felt between us there was nothing wrong

time goes so slowly
but you go so fast
many memories that I always remembered being with

do you remember him too?
(I hope so)

we are still together here
though without bond
I'm happy, sometimes I feel sad
You did your best, let your heart move

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I was drunk that night to forget

I have not had time to make you happy, you are so beautiful, I'm sorry I have not made ​​you uncomfortable, you have not been able to make sure, I feel stupid, why I have not been able to give the best for you. I've given so far only promises, which include only a few that I keep.

And in the end you are going to leave me. you decide for yourself, with your reasons still hope with your past. you said to me, "I think about him", then I asked "What about him?" then you say "he's close with another woman and I feel jealous"
???????????!!!!!!! I feel bad at the time, but somehow I can not be angry with you, because I felt it was just a feeling of a moment. then I went home, I felt different in the way, then I am to drunk to forget it.
im :3

Wildan ^ ^

many things in life that must be understood

We live among millions of creatures on this earth, all around us and running properly. actually there is no compulsion in life. When we were asked by someone? "if you're forced to live this life?" hmmm everyone most certainly the answer is "no, I do not have to!" aaahhh that's nonsense, indeed most everyone responded like that, they said no. but, if they say no, why live recording always complaining. all that crap is not it??????

Actually simple really, we do not need to say "not forced". because I'm sure the answer is definitely out of sync with the reality that we experience. when asked as it should be better to just answer "I enjoy it". why??
because we can enjoy this life with sincerity, we can understand what life is, we can better understand this life and certainly no burden in life. life is only one time bro, so .. enjoy!

adios, Wildan.

You are the best for me

Lost all sense of hate in your head, when all the saliva bathes our steps. I try to understand, I hope you realize now we've grown, it's all because of the time that make this maturity. If you know this heart never tired to wait for you, never tired to know and understand you. I hope you always beside me, not because I expect such a beauty. But, as I have convinced you that the best for me, no one else is like you.

I miss you dear..

Saturday, April 13, 2013

if this is not right, then this is wrong

if it's not right, it's wrong
next question is what's the thing that making it wrong?
if this is the same home, how can i be so lost?
so many things i've done and some of it i did it wrong
and there's the unforgettable
today like any other i'll make sure
to remind my self to forget the unforgettables
and one of them was you

Friday, March 29, 2013

Konsep Bahagia

Konsep bahagia tiap orang itu berbeda-beda, ada yang baru merasakan bahagia kalau ada di bawah sorotan, dipuja puja, dielukan, ada yang bahagia saat punya uang banyak, ada yang bahagia setelah barang yang mau dibeli akhirnya kebeli juga.. Kebahagian saya simpel, ketika bisa membuat orang disekitar saya senyum.. Kadang harus ngalah, harus mundur beberapa langkah supaya saat berada dibawah sorotan, bayangan yang tercipta tidak terlalu besar dan nutupin yang dibelakang.. Satu hal yang paling saya ingat adalah kalimat "bahagia itu mensyukuri nikmat dan menikmati syukur". Saya punya teman penggerutu, sedih lihatnya, sepertinya semua yang dia dapat tidak bisa membuat dia puas, dia terus dan terus dan terus menggerutu sampai lupa apa saja yang sudah dia dapat dan dia dapat dari mana, sedih tapi senang, karena disitu saya selalu diingatkan untuk bahagia, untuk lebih berhati besar dan ingat semua ini dapet darimana.. Dan tidak sedetikpun saya ragu untuk menaruh kebahagiaan itu kembali ketempat yang membuat saya bahagia.. Ingat, semua akan kembali ke tanah. Ingat, setinggi apa kamu meloncat, gravitasi akan selalu menang. Kebahagiaan itu bukan saat ada diatas langit, tapi ditanah dimana kamu berasal. Pergilah mencari kebahagiaan dan bawa kebahagiaan itu pulang. Orang yang bersyukur adalah orang yang selalu ingat jalan pulang. Always remember where you came from. And always remember that happiness is like a bag of weed, you have to share it with your friends.

Kebahagiaan tidak ada tanggal kadaluarsanya, tapi, tanggal produksinya harus ditetapkan sendiri, lalu distribusikanlah

Monday, February 25, 2013

Happiness with you Meiliani

I don't know what I feel now
happiness, joy, and all the pleasure that come since you come in my life
I really like it like this
be beside you with cheerful smile
I will not let it disappear
keep smiling
still happy
and stay by my side

I want to say to you
I want to say what I feel
Most do not live with me forever

are you willing?
Do you agree with what I say?

If you are willing and agree
I will not disappoint you
I guarantee your life will not be in vain

i'd love you now till forever "Intan Meiliani"

by Wildan Ilham Wicaksana

Ten fold apology

never felt so insecure
never felt so safe
never had control of myself
'til you came into my life
i've made lots of promises
and you're getting tired
just so you know all i wanted was you
since you came into my life
don't leave me
i know you're angry
you're everything to me
second turns to minutes
to the days i spent without you
all that i know it was you all along
it's where my heart is belong
i've made lots of promises
and you're getting tired
just so you know all i wanted was you
since you came into my life
don't leave me
i know you're angry
you're everything to me
By: sadegadochi

Love you Meiliani :*

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dalam Kelam

Mengingat kembali
saat kau disini
dan kini aku sendiri
lupa apa yang ku cari

Waktupun berhenti
semua tak berarti
Dalam kelam ku berjanji
kelak kan ku balas nanti

Kau yang pergi
jangan kembali
kelak kau rasakan perihnya ditinggalkan
berharap ku kan datang lagi
aku terbuang
aku mengalah
saat kau tertawa
ku menangis tersiksa
percaya hidup itu indah.... Walau tanpa dirimu

Dalam kelam by Dochi Sadega

Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 Mei, 14:18 WIB

"Dulu sempat berkilau, kini hanyalah bagian dari kisah lampau, yang tertulis usang di secarik kertas sebab tak pantas kubandingkan dia dengan emas."

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

you threw me out and I immediately forget you

when the rain came that evening You hug and kiss my forehead I really feel the love wet veil does not make your beauty fades I never thought such as that we are closer and more intimate I said you reciprocate replies smile and then stored in the deepest depths over time and then we shared three months is too short a time in our togetherness I do not know what keeps you away I do not know what makes you hate me I knew then that I was so very loved Do not fret dear do not leave me baby but you stick with your decision Well .. I will never forget you soo

Sunday, February 3, 2013

sorry ast

I'm sorry that has reneged on my promise to wait
I know, there you still want me to come back.
sorry I have forgotten when I soar
last promise, one day I met you and I took you to my company and I make you my wife

Thursday, January 24, 2013

In the corner of the room brings your counterfeit notes

Slowly the night came
around was quiet
without voice, empty and dark
only displayer that hangs near the door

I was cornered in the corner of the room
all regret ago
I read a note from you, record your favorite
expect you to call me now

I continued to read the note
I try to understand word for word writing
I also see you in social media
I also understand your writing

This is your pride?
is this arrogance?
is this what will you show me?

oh no .. oh no ..
This is not writing, it's not your mind
did you write it
but brain and heart is actually reluctant to write
I'm sick, I hate to play this
did you accidentally cornered??
over time my eyes looked blank notes and writing on social media
then I decided to go back to my bed basket
I set my breath for a moment and I fell asleep

Regrets for tomorrow

Give me time to repeat it
repeated recordings all about us
wonderful memory we are both in the past
whether there was a chance for me

I'm stupid, I'm despicable
how I felt when it was hate, hated and bitterness
I should be thinking twice
but also why you never reminded?

all have passed
are you with your life, I'm with my life
my hope is in you once, now I have to switch
I'm sorry, I deny my promise

I hope you are happy there
full of joy
and if time brought us together again
I'll be there for you forever

let us let us pass going through

Time clock gallop in the waiting room
Moment when life is deposited
painkillers or serum
and we sit down and specious

You looked up at the ceiling roof
on the tile floor, i see lines centrally
a line that will unite us later

hateful will be gone right away
it just crossed the line while
and we should get into line it

I would like to invite you to the line
that hateful is gone

let us let us pass going through
eliminate hate and give me your smile


Bahagia, sesuatu yang simple tapi kadang dibuat rumit.karena bahagia itu bukan tujuan.. kalo di jadiin tujuan, perjalanannya gak bisa dinikmati dan agaknya jadi terlalu berharap.. berjalanlah dengan bahagia, sampai tujuannya tercapai.. kalo lo gagal, lo tau lo udah berusaha sebisa lo, lo akan tetap menghargai diri lo sendiri, dan lo punya cadangan tenaga yang cukup untuk menyelesaikan perjalanan lo karena kebahagiaan itu energi yang gak bisa abis.. kalo berhasil? bayangkan gimana senengnya lo nanti... "gw gak bisa bahagia kalo gak sama dia"itu pilihan, lo bisa bahagia sendiri, tp lo yang gak memilih itu kan?kebahagiaan bukan untuk dicari, dalam kekecewaanpun lo bisa bahagia.. dalam kekurangan.. ketika lo baru aja kehilangan sesuatu yang lo anggap segalanya lo akan merasa lo gak punya apa-apa lagi.. yasudah, kehilangan selalu punya dua sisi, yang kehilangan, dan yang menghilang.. kalo lo ada di sisi yang menghilang, berbahagialah.. mungkin hidup lo akan lebih menarik di depan... kalo lo ada di sisi yang kehilangan, berbahagialah untuk mereka.. tapi selalu ingat untuk menjadi orang yang pandai berterimakasih.. bahwa yang lo lewatin dengan orang itu tidak hanya yang tidak menyenangkan saja, tapi banyak juga yang menyenangkan.. berbahagialah untuk itu. seburuk apapun orang itu menyakiti hati lo, ada kebaikan mereka dalam hidup lo.. sedih? iya.. pasti sedih, tp lo merasakan sedih karena lo ngebayangin hal yang seharusnya bisa membuat lo bahagia.. lo mulai mikirin setiap hal menyenangkan yang lo jalanin akan lebih menyenangkan bila masih ada orang itu untuk berbagi.. berbahagialah karena lo masih bisa mengingat hal yang menyenangkan saat lo berada di posisi yang tidak menyenangkan! jangan terus-terusan menghukum diri lo karena udah melakukan kesalahan yang membuat keadaan jadi kacau, karena mungkin emang ini saatnya untuk berbenah. yang terpenting, lakuin ini buat diri lo. gak ada kok yang gak bisa disembuhin sama yang namanya waktu.. emang keadaan selalu lebih mudah disisi mereka yang bisa bergerak. Maka dari itu, bergeraklah!

Tanpa Suara

aku berdiri disini dengan sejuta mata memandang kosong tak berarti
aku hanya bisa terdiam diantara suara-suara yang sangat keras membunuhku
tak ada lagi ruang kosong disini, hanya omong kosong dan sumpah serapah yang terucap
apakah hanya aku yang rasakan? apa tak ada lagi harapan?
aku ingin sunyi, hentikan suara itu, hancurkan suara itu
aku ingin sepi, hentikan suara itu, hentikan

aku adalah angka dibawah satu
aku adalah pesawat yang kau rakit dari hati yang kau hancurkan

ah, ku lelah
ah, ku lemah
(hancurkan leburkan semua!)

hancurkan aku dan buat aku kuat
(hancurkan! lepaskan!)
leburkan aku dan buatku sempurna
(hancurkan! leburkan!)

tanpa suara!
tanpa suara

Worst Thing of This All

i thought the rain will wash away
all that has been said and made
i thought this time that you would stay
but here i stand just to watch you fade
every night and every day you took my breath away
do you wanna know the worst thing of this all?
you are the best i've had so far
cause every song and every word
i just can't keep my mind
do you wanna know the worst thing of this all?
you were the best i've had so far
cause every song and every word
i just can't keep my mind off you
i hope you can still smell the scent of my skin
oh i wish we could still make it up and kiss
victoria secret, your favourite potion
if only there's not too much action
but here i stand just to watch you fade
every night and every day you took my breath away
do you wanna know the worst thing of this all?
you are the best i've had so far
cause every song and every word
i just can't keep my mind
do you wanna know the worst thing of this all?
you were the best i've had so far
cause every song and every word
i just can't keep my mind off you
if it's space you need here have my galaxy
and my whole world i dedicate to you